09 August 2024


“… the Secretary (of Defense Austin) will be directing multiple forthcoming force posture moves to bolster force protection for US forces…” — Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, Press Briefing, August 2, 2024
"...global defense is dynamic..."
"...evolving national security threats..."
"...ironclad support..."
"...international rules based order..."
"...future defensive force posture..."
"...further escalation is not inevitable..."
In the rush-wave of current spectacle, history fades to shadow, memory hovers out of sight, ghosts decry…
The now past yesterday when/where “news” — on-the-ground unrelenting brutal for some and on-line imagined thumbs-up/thumbs-down for many — is marked/noted/managed unrelenting stream of “live” minutes…
rededication to the forces of each cycle, the very inevitable forces of habit. —DB
— Captions/phrases from Sabrina Singh’s
press briefing statement, August 2, 2024. (Link)
— Murals at City of Eugene Skatepark by Portland artist Ashley Montague painted in 2014 on pillars of Washington-Jefferson freeway bridge as the I-105 connects with 7th street in west Eugene.  Art ever evolves —  damaged without repair by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) during bridge reconstruction about five years.  Layering cumulative graffiti... art, concrete cuttings, pipes, spray-can washes, random scribblings ongoing urban forces of habit.