We are suggesting that words and their arrangements (syntax) are soul mines. But mining doesn't require modern technical tools. … What does help mining is an eye attuned to the dark. — James Hillman

have to be
There's no better sight to see / Than you and me / Staring at the sky / Happy right where we lie / Life would be so much better / If you and I were together. Keep dreaming
— Anon. Entire found poem as written on pavement at the Underpassage
I have one mouth.
It holds two words.
Yes, No,
inside all others.
Yes. No. No. Yes.
I say yes to these words, as I must,
and I also refuse them.
— Jane Hirshfield
Without the Written
— Anon. Written on the pavement at the Underpassage.
A quick search revealed BLS is an international touring band.
Hey I was Running out of Gas &
Dont trust Just leaving my rig on the
side of the Road So I am going to
get gas and can I’ll Be Back ASAP
— Anon. Found Poem
— Signs as Images as Signs in the Current Era (CE) invites an augmented reality (AR). Hence, the conceit VEXICON: the necessity of Vexation & Lexicon. This is not Artificial Intelligence (AI). The difference? Syntax. —DB
— Epigram: James Hillman, from Inquiry Into Image (1977) in Spring journal.
— Jane Hirshfield, above, in the collection Ledger (2020) from the poem Now A Darkness Is Coming; posted below.
— Wang Wei (701-761 CE), from the poem A Farmer, trans. David Hinton in The Selected Poems of Wang Wei (New Directions 2006)
Some call it Simpleton Valley, but why
confuse things with yes it is, no it isn't?
— Wang Wei

Now A Darkness Is Coming
Jane Hirshfield
I hold my life with two hands. I walk with two legs.
Two ears are enough to hear Bach with.
Blinded in one eye, a person sees with the other.
Now a great darkness is coming.
A both-eyes darkness.
I have one mouth.
It holds two words.
Yes, No,
inside all others.
Yes. No. No. Yes.
I say yes to these words, as I must,
and I also refuse them.
My two legs,
shaped to go forward,
obedient to can't-know and must-be,
walk into the time that is coming.